
Assisting young people to make informed decisions about their future.

Macleod College has a pathways program for all students in Years 7 - 12 as part of the Humanities, English or Personal Development curriculum depending on their year level.

Year 7 - I Discover

Students use a range of activities to discover their strengths and interests and to develop a positive self-image that provides the foundation for optimistic pathway planning. They develop an awareness of the importance of social and interpersonal skills in their future life and work roles. They explore and start to plan their career learning goals and focus on learning work-related terms. 


Year 8 - I Explore 

Year 8 students continue to explore the influence of positive self-image and good learning habits on occupational choice. They research a range of occupational profiles to examine the nature of work, the personal attributes and skills necessary to perform work related tasks, and the required entry-level education and training for possible future career choices. 


Year 9 - I Focus 

Year 9 students focus on the contribution made by personal attributes and effective communication skills to their future life and work roles. They participate in activities that highlight the skills, knowledge and attitudes required for successful transitions to further education, training and employment. 


They extend their Career Action Plan to include skills needed to gain and maintain employment such as participating in mock employment interviews and online applications. 


Year 10 - I Plan 

Year 10 students focus on planning their pathway to achieve broad career goals that offer a range of options. They use their increased self-knowledge and deeper understanding of the education and training requirements to inform these decisions. 


They investigate national and global economic, social, technological and environment changes to explore the type and availability of work, and examine the trends that may impact on their chosen career pathway. 


They focus on the need to be flexible and the importance of networks to create and make  opportunities. They participate in one week of work experience and senior school interviews. 


Macleod College offers Later Years students a choice of pathways to cater for each students' individual needs with exceptional VCE, VCE-VM and VET results.


Students develop a Career Action Plan in Year 10, which they revisit in Year 11 and begin to implement in Year 12.


Students have the opportunity to undertake VET Certificate III in Beauty Services &  Certificate II in Electrotechnology at Macleod.


If students have an interest on other areas they can attend VET courses outside the college within our Region offering a wide variety of other certificate courses.


Guest speakers, TAFE Tasters and University open days give students the opportunity to decide, focus on and ultimately plan their life post secondary school. 


Compulsory work experience at Year 10 introduces students to the world of work, giving then the skills and experiences which assists them in making more informed choices about their future careers.


Parents are included in all parts of this process with information sessions and parent/teacher interviews.