
Our Library is a warm and welcoming community space, providing students and staff with a place to read, study, socialise or relax.

What we provide:

·   Vibrant, comfortable and engaging spaces

·   Supportive and informed staff

·   An emphasis on literacy

·   Study and research support

·   A great range of reading material

·   Events and competitions


The library services the whole school community from Prep to Year 12, as well as staff and parents.  We choose resources with this wide group of patrons in mind and strive to    provide a varied and interesting resource collection. 


In order to keep our collection relevant, we  collaborate and consult with our library users when purchasing resources, and we ensure that they know their input and contribution is  valued.


Our library accommodates research and studying.  Staff are on hand to give guidance about researching online and in print, information analysis and assessment and            presentation targeted to the audience.


We host student led activities, library events (supporting literacy and recreational reading), and collaborative events with other departments in the school.