Teaching and Learning

TwistED Science

Our students are very fortunate to be offered the opportunity to take their love of science and learning, outside of the classroom and visit the TwistED Science Centre in Echuca. This centre has been very kind to us and taylor made a program just for our kids (it has been dubbed "The Raywood Special"). This means that they have designed a program that will focus on our Term 2 Integrated Studies topics of Flight (P-6) and Electricity (Yr 3-6). We will also have the opportunity to visit the general display and exhibits which are very hands-on (and fun). This is a full day excursion and will see the students arrive as normal to school via their regular mode of transport; Hayden will be driving a mini-hire bus to Echuca and is hoping to leave by 8.45am- as our session begins at 10am sharp. Students will return to school in time to catch the regular bus home or be picked up by parents (as they normally would). More details about this excursion, including costs and what the students need are on uEducateus- please also provide permission via this ap. The date of this excursion is Wednesday June 5th. Those families with SCEF are able to use this funding to offset the cost of this excursion- please see the permission slip for details. 

P-2 News from Miss Duffy

We have been very busy in the P-2 room learning all about flight- most specifically birds. We learned all about birds in general- what all birds have in common The students each chose a bird and generated some questions about this bird that they would like answered. We then set about doing some research to answer our questions. 

As part of our daily Numeracy sessions we have been learning about fractions. We managed to solve one of life's big questions... Can you divide a Kit-Kat chocolate block evenly between five students? And, if so, what fraction does each student get? The students drew the block with equal segments then set about solving the problem. We discovered that each student would get 4/20 pieces of Kit- Kat (then we had to eat the results)!

Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins

Mathematical Play-Doh

To help us understand more about 3D shape, the senior kids have been working with Play-Doh to model different shapes, drawing them from different views and then making cross section cut to physically see the various shapes created. 


In writing this week we are concentrating on generating ideas, making quick plans for stories and then sticking to the plan whilst drafting our stories. Next week we will begin our writing for the Lion Junior Public Speaking Competition. More news on this will be coming soon.


We have now moved onto fractions in the senior room. Over the next few weeks the kids will be studying all things fraction related so if they start questioning your splitting of food into equal fractions, you know why....

Art News from Miss Duffy

The students worked with lots of care and love to make Mother's Day coasters for their mums. They lovingly wrapped them and put them with their printed cards which we also made in art. I hope all of our mums loved their handmade gifts. 

News From Miss Roediger

WOW! We have some FABULOUS performers in this school! A HUGE thanks to parents for dropping off items for the play and for supporting you kids to learn their lines. Most performers have memorised all of their lines - What SUPERSTARS!


We still need the following items. If you have any, could you please drop them off to Bree at the front desk or to me on a Thursday or Friday.

Croquet mallets x3 or more

Large deck of cards

Light switch

Top hat

Small rabbit costume

Medium/large pocket watch

6 large drop sheets to be painted on for the backdrop


MARC News from Mrs Gentry