P&C - Parents and Citizens Association 

Marie Murray


P&C Committee 

We held our 2nd meeting for the year last week with 10 parents logging in! We discussed the Growth Hunting workshops and the P&C’s contribution to this. 


On the agenda was Parent Night. This is organised by the P&C and held the same time as the School Ball (31 August).  Thank you to Bonnie De Fin, Tish Clarke and Karen Donnelly for volunteering to organise this event. A venue for the Parent Night will be confirmed shortly (usually within walking distance to the Parmelia Hilton where the Ball is held) and tickets will be available to purchase online once details have been finalised. This is a great night to meet other parents from the school. Please note: the actual School Ball is organised by the school.


We also discussed the P&C funding kitchen appliances for the College Common Rooms. So far there has been toasters, air fryers, sandwich toasters, a blender and an ice maker purchased.  Thanks to the Student Councillors for getting a wish list together (sorry the above ground pool didn’t quite meet the ‘kitchen appliance’ guidelines!) and thanks to KV for organising the purchase of everything. 


The AGM will be held next term - MONDAY 22 JULY 6:30pm via Microsoft Teams. We need at least 6 Year 11 parents to come on board to form the Committee. Remember it’s only for 12 months - 1 meeting per term.  If you have any questions regarding what’s involved feel free to give me a call on 0429 370 799. 


Marie Murray 

P&C President