From  Principal

Jonathon Arnott


It may not have started until halfway through Djeran, but the rain has arrived, and seeding has begun! 


I would like to acknowledge all the time, energy and hard work our dedicated staff put into organising events. We have had a packed couple of weeks already with many more on the horizon, and all of these events are well-appreciated by our students.


I would also like to acknowledge Mr Simon Longmire and all the staff that worked towards our recent Renewal of RTO Registration and Audit. It was a lengthy, time-consuming process that was rewarded with excellent feedback and validation that the College is doing a great job in preparing our students for the workforce and other post-schooling options.

Externally Set Tasks (EST) and Exams 

The Year 12 students have just completed two ESTs, with another two next week, and College exams begin in Week 6.  A reminder that students have prep time each evening and can self-elect to participate in the library with staff being available to support them. Please encourage your child to utilise prep sessions to assist them to perform at their best.   


Jonathon Arnott


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