Specialist News

Visual Arts - Physical Education - Music & Performing Arts  &  S.T.E.M.

Mrs Buffinton, Mr Rees, Mr Lytton and Mr Brokate

Hello/Assalamu Alaikum/Hola, Nǐ Hǎo, Ciao, Kon'nichiwa everybody! Lots happening as per usual in the Music/Performing Arts Department!

Grade 3/4

Grade 3/4 have been finishing up their Ukulele projects, with excellent progress across the board. We have worked on reading TAB for Smoke on the Water and improving finger dexterity and coordination. Many of the students have also played through the Simpsons Theme over multiple strings and frets, with some tackling the Pink Panther Theme successfully. 


For the second half of the Term we are looking at Performing Arts Media and have been experimenting with the green screen, learning how to use chroma key to replace a clear background and create picture in picture video clips.

Grade 1

Grade 1 have been learning to read out a simplified script to The Three Little Pigs and making their own scripts.  We have focused on taking turns in speaking, facing the audience, using clear voices and using safety measures on the stage and in the classroom.

We have also been looking at the keyboard and finding the letters CDE and FGAB.

Grade 2

Grade 2 have worked on the scripts of Chicken Little and The Three Little Pigs

They have worked on finding the notes on a stave using FACE and EGBDFA creating pieces using crotchets and quavers then using a dice to generate a letter with the numbers corresponding to a letter. If they roll a 1 they find the letter C on the stave, 2 = D, 3 = E, 4 = F, 5 = G, 6 = G. They have also continued their note recognition of the treble clef. 



Grade 5/6

Grade 5/6 have been finishing off their Media videos for Performing Arts. They have explored the different camera angles including 1st person, wide angle, closeups and middle shots. We have looked at overlapping videos to represent two different places at the same time and using images from the internet to replicate those of news programs and cooking shows. Students presented a wide range of pre-written scripts including cooking shows, sports reports, dance instructional videos and advertisements.


Congratulations to Serine Assaad for coming 21st in the recent INM Divisional Cross Country event. That is a great result. Well done Serine!


I would also like to congratulate Harriet Shirley  from 3/4C for competing in The Coburg Harriers Athletic Clubs 3km run in the junior girls category. She was motivated to have a go in this event due to the enjoyment she had in competing for our school in the recent District cross country event. She was placed first in her category!

It is very pleasing to hear about students who involve themselves in physical activity outside of school and hopefully there will be plenty more of these events for Harriet to compete in the future.

In the coming weeks prior to the end of Term 2, I will begin some preliminary trials and races for the school's upcoming grades 3-6 intra-school athletics carnival which is scheduled for  the 31st of July. This is held in week 3 and is followed in week 4 by the interschool athletics carnival.

Normally there is several weeks in between these events, however a change of date from SSV to bring their interschool athletics forward has meant quite a bit of organising with not a lot of time in between. 

Due to the short lead time in between these events, some trials will be held during PE lessons.

More information about the event will be uploaded to Compass in the coming weeks regarding venue, times and cost.

I will also be asking for some parent helprs to volunteer during the day to assist in recording and running some event. I have had great responses and assistance in the past and hope for the same this time around. These type of events take quite a lot of officials to marshall, run and record events. We will be on a pretty strict time line as well on the day due to bus companies shortening the time they need to drop us back to school so they can be organised for their school runs. So the more helpers the better!


After this on the 1st of August, which is the next day we will having our Prep-2 Fun Day. Parents are most welcome to come and watch their children having fun and engaging themselves with a range of physical activities. More detail will come via Compass again when we get closer to the date.


Thank you 

Barry Rees 

PE coordinator