3/4 Area

 Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Sil Khammy, Natasha McKenna, Monique Jones,  Nicole Riley, Viv Matic and Emily Whitfield

On Wednesday in Week 7, the Grade 3/4 students attended CERES (Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies) for an excursion as part of their Sustainability topic. Our visit to the local School of Nature and Climate enabled students to deepen their understanding of sustainable practices through purposeful hands-on learning activities and experiences. 


After some introductions from our CERES hosts and educators, the Grade 3/4 cohort split off into their individual grades and engaged in different workshop activities around the site. The programs included: 

  • Nature walk through the community garden: Students learned about the history of the CERES site. 
  • Making recyclable paper: Students used a mesh frame to sift through recycled pieces of paper in water. They then used a washcloth to soak up the water from the paper and folded it to dry (some are still drying now!) 
  • Holding worms: Students learned about what types of foods can be composted and which can’t. This was important as worms can only eat food that has been composted. 
  • Flora and Fauna scavenger hunt: Students split into small groups and played a bingo scavenger hunt around the garden beds. 
  • Picking up rubbish with tongs and buckets: Students learned about the benefits of taking small steps to ensure that there is no rubbish in our environment. (3/4A students found some interesting pieces of ‘rubbish’…)

And of course, the highlight of most students was getting to play in the repurposed playground! This was especially fun for them as they got to climb on a tower made from tires, balance on ropes and play in a wooden boat playground. 


Overall, participating in these learning experiences allowed students to think as environmentalists and recognise the important role they play in protecting our environment for future generations. 

Thank you to the parents who volunteered to attend this excursion. Your assistance was much appreciated by our team! :) 

Our highlight of Week 8 was definitely the House Team Meetings on Wednesday afternoon. Students and teachers came dressed up in their house colours, learned the team chants and played team games with the whole school. What a way to end the day!