Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

Remarkable Writing in Grade 1C


Once a week, the Grade 1 students have a ‘Remarkable Writing’ lesson. In this lesson, students watch or listen to a stimulus and write something connected to it. 

They spend time brainstorming and planning with their teachers and peers before choosing a genre to write. Students are given the opportunity to choose what genre they want to write and to use their imaginations. 


Some of the genres we have covered include: Narratives, Recounts, Information Reports, Songs, Poems, Jokes, Letters and Procedures. This has been a great opportunity for students to practise writing the structures of texts we have already learnt in Reading and Writing. 


Students have enjoyed responding to the different stimuli and having the freedom to explore their writing skills.


Check out some of our REMARKABLE Writing!