

Mrs Rowena Lytton

Spotlight on: Speaking respectfully to other

Our students have been doing a lot of work around speaking respectfully to others at school. It is important for them to understand that different relationships allow us to interact in different ways.


We can joke around and say inside jokes that might seem rude to those outside the group. You may find it acceptable to talk over people in a debate over a game or other activity.


At home you speak differently to any other place. Language that you may accept at home is not necessarily appropriate in other contexts.


At school, students are expected to engage with each other in sensible, polite ways in the school environment. They are expected to listen to teachers and follow instructions without arguing and ensure they are speaking at an appropriate volume for the environment.


Most of our school community have been showing their growing ability to be respectful to each other and this is what makes our school such a warm and welcoming place to be.


What you can do at home:

Talk to your child and help them understand that the way they speak and act at home is different to how they are expected to act at school or in public. Remind them that words have impact and the power to influence how other feel. Discuss empathy and speaking to others the way they would want to be spoken to.