Community Engagement

School Council - Community Engagement Team

Working Bee

Thank you to the many families that attended our Term 2 Working Bee.

We achieved a great deal of projects that were listed and a few extras as well.


This once a term is a fun community event that brings us together and to socialise with other families and builds up further relationships.

Hopefully you can come along in Term 3 – Sunday 18th August. Put the date in your family calendar.

We did provide a yummy sausage sizzle lunch with some donut and cookies ( I think all the kids got to these before the adults!)


MP Visit

Peter Van Buuren, School Council President, and myself met with our local MP Anthony Ciaflone to discuss our school missing out yet again on a major capital grant. 

It seemed we have made an impression on Anthony as he spoke about us in parliament last week. 

Hear what was said: