Premiers' Reading Challenge 2024   

Mrs Amanda Johnson

We have 92 days left to complete the Premiers' Reading Challenge!

Congratulations to 1A, 1B & 2C who have completed the Premiers' Reading Challenge for 2024 as a whole class! That's 54 students who have completed the challenge, and over 1660 books read by students at our school so far. 


If you would like to take part, please complete and return the form that was handed out in Term 1, Week 8. Additionally, see a copy attached below;


Prep , Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 5/6 students will be participating within the classroom, so they are not required to return the note unless they want to record extra books.

Premiers' Reading Challenge Requirements:

Prep- Grade 2- Read 30 books; 20 from the PRC Challenge list and 10 free choice. 

Grade 3-6- Read 15 books; 10 from the PRC Challenge list and 5 free choice. 


The Premiers' Reading Challenge books are in a special section in the library for ease of borrowing. Please ask your classroom teacher or Ester if you can't locate them.


To access the PRC login page please follow this link:



Please don't hesitate to come and see me with any PRC questions. 


Thank you, 

Mrs Johnson

Premiers' Reading Challenge Coordinator