Health Centre News

The Dental Health Van is free and will visit the school the week of May 27th to see children who will be participating in this service. 

Last week children were sent home with a consent form for parents or guardians to complete if they consent to their child being part of the school dental initiative.


Students can receive a full check-up, preventative and general dental care whilst at school and parents will be kept informed of the process. The ADHV trained staff are competent and capable, and make sure that your child is feeling comfortable throughout their visit. 





What Parents Need to Know:


  1. Please fill in the consent form and return to your child’s classroom teacher before April 29th
  2. Information regarding the program is in the leaflet you received including the phone number to contact ADHV directly if you have any questions – (03) 9323 9607.
  3. Parents will be called during the dental visit to discuss further treatment and address and further questions and concerns they may have. Further treatments such as fillings, are only completed if secondary verbal consent is received by the parent or guardian.
  4. Students will also take home an oral health report and parents of notified of the dental visit via text or call.

We have had positive feedback from those who were involved last year, and children were happy to be part of this program. It is a friendly way to keep children involved in dental checks and promoting dental health.


Kind regards,

Nurse Cecile