Deputy Principal / Religious Education 

Dear Parents and Families


It’s been a busy start to the term.   We began with the joy of the resurrection of Jesus at Easter which gives us hope and optimism for a busy and longer than usual term ahead.   


FIRE Carriers

After a comprehensive application and interview process, last week our new FIRE carrier school leaders were selected.   I was impressed with all the applications put forward and more importantly for the reasons why many of our grade six leaders wanted to be FIRE carriers at St Luke’s.  Students were able to articulate what a FIRE carrier represents and what they would like to do if they were to become a FIRE carrier.   The acronym FIRE stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education.    I look forward to working alongside these very capable young leaders and look forward to what they can achieve.    An official commissioning of our FIRE carriers will take place later this term.   


Congratulations to the following students for becoming FIRE carriers for 2024.

FIRE Carriers 2024
Maddi Adams                                      
Ansa Jis
Addi Zak
Maritta Rekku
Sean Kelly
Harrison Few
Leanne Philip
Louise Schroeders
Diya Mathew
Xavier Mitchell
Halle Duffy
Catherine Tierney-O'Hara
Karly Loughran
Jemma Daunt
Ella Edwards
Zara Adams

Anzac Day

One of the first official duties for our newly elected FIRE carriers was to run our Anzac Day liturgies on Wednesday last week.   They did a magnificent job respectfully presiding over two liturgies, one for the grades prep-2 and one for the 3-6 learning areas.   Our liturgies were a lovely reminder of the importance to pay our respect to all those who died and served and continue to serve our country in times of conflict.  We are lucky to have the school auditorium and facilities to hold such important events.   Thank you to all our students for being so respectful and prayerful during our Anzac Day commemorative liturgies.   


On Anzac Day itself we had a number of our senior leaders represent the school and lay a wreath at the 11am service.   These experiences go a long way to help grow student capacity and leadership.   Thank you to Addi Zak, Sean Kelly, Harrison Few, Karly Loughran and Leanne Philip for representing St Luke’s.   



Our sacramental program commenced on Tuesday 16th April with an adult formation night led by Maria Weatherill, former CES Ltd Leader of Catholic Identity and Ministry.   Maria unpacked the story of the Lost Son (Lk 15:11-32).   The story of the Lost Son or Prodigal Son reminds us that forgiveness is a keystone to human existence and we should learn to forgive one another no matter how difficult it can be.  Reconciliation is the first Sacrament we are focussing on for the next 5 weeks. Thank you to the many parents who attended the evening and for being part of your child/ren sacramental journey.   We continue to pray for all those making their sacraments this year.


St Brendan’s Feast Day Expo.

This Sunday May 5th, St Brendan's Parish, will be conducting a Feast Day Expo, showcasing the different Ministries within our Parish.


The Expo will begin after Mass on Sunday May 5th, from 12.30pm till 1pm (30 mins) in the Mons Bones Hall. (NDC Hall beside the Church) 


Stalls and food will be available for families to enjoy.


St Luke's's primary school families are INVITED to attend and enjoy in the festivities.

SINGERS NEEDED - Calling interested St Luke's Primary School student singers!


If you are planning to attend and you would like your child to actively participate in the event, a combined concert with St Brendan's Primary School has been arranged for our students to lead in a sing-along to entertain the guests as they wander through the stalls and enjoy food to eat.


Our students (and students from St Brendan's) will begin singing at approximately 12:30pm until around 1:00pm.  Staff from both primary schools will be facilitating the sing-a-long! 

We look forward to enjoying a fun filled afternoon of singing, craft, food and friendships.   It's shaping up to be a great event for our parish.

For further information or details please contact the school.


Enjoy a wonderful few weeks ahead, and best wishes to our mums on Mother’s Day, May 12th.   


'May Jesus’ life, death and resurrection be a reminder of God’s great love for us all'.  


Chris Summers

Deputy Principal ~ Catholic Identity & Wellbeing Leader


First Holy Communion

Over the holidays our students, Joanna Jis, Ethen Jino, Avinea, and Avinon Johnson celebrated their First Holy Communion with Bishop Mar John Panamthott Athil, Fr Joseph Kunnackattu, and Fr Joe Taylor. Some children joined many families from the community to celebrate this lovely milestone in the St Luke's stadium. We hope they enjoyed their special day and we wish them all the best with their faith journey.

St Brendan's Parish Bulletin 05.05.24