
Seniors School Summer Sports Photos
Parents/carers and boys are advised that Senior School Summer sports photos will take place next week on Wednesday 8 May in the College Hall.
All photos will be taken from Lunch through to the end of the school day. (Photos scheduled will be published for student viewing via the Daily Notices in homeroom).
May I remind all boys to ensure that they have washed and packed the correct attire for these photos:
Sport | Uniform |
Baseball | College Baseball shirt and pants, black belt, white sports socks, and cleat/boots. |
Basketball | Basketball singlet and shorts, College (white) socks, and clean gym shoes. ISA Representatives are to wear their ISA Representative singlet and shorts. |
Touch Football | College Touch Football singlet, black shorts, white socks, and boots. |
Cricket | White College Crested shirt, white trousers, white socks, and sandshoes (First XI and Second XI should also bring their College blazers). ISA/CIS Representatives are to wear their representative playing attire. |
Swimming | Tracksuit pants and Swimming Squad Shirt. ISA representatives to wear ISA Squad shirt and College Tracksuit pants. |
Further details will be distributed to parents/carers and boys later this term with details on purchasing photos.
Anthony Calavassy
Director of Co-curricular