Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Welcome back to Term 2! It was great to see your son wearing the school uniform with pride and now donning the blazer to and from school. We trust the school holidays were an opportunity for our learners to recharge, enjoy time with family and friends and a step away from the often-frantic pace of SPC. We look forward to the many rewards for students as they see success and growth in so many different forms inside and outside of the classroom.
After a term of implementing the new English and Mathematics syllabus for a term, we thought it would be a great opportunity to include the following two documents from NESA for families. Our aim throughout the implementation phase is that our learners continue to gain confidence, are able to readily apply the skills and of course develop their love of English and Mathematics.
Stage 3 English
Stage 3 will be using Sound Waves resources to support our teaching of reading and spelling. Sound Waves aligns with the Australian Curriculum and is informed by current scientific evidence on how children best learn to read and spell.
In Sound Waves, students are gradually taught a range of skills and strategies that promote a deeper understanding of words and how they work. At the core of Sound Waves, students learn about speech sounds (phonemes) and the different letters (graphemes) that represent these sounds in writing. For example, students learn that the same sound is used at the start of the words: cat, king and chemist, but that the sound can be represented in different ways (c, k or ch). As part of this learning, students are also taught to segment words into individual sounds (a prerequisite for spelling) and blend sounds together to form words (a prerequisite for reading).
Stage 3 teachers are excited to see the many positive impacts that this resource will have on student literacy skill development.
Daniel Fields Sarah Tatola
Head of Curriculum (Stage 3) Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)