Uniform Shop


Please be advised Blazers are compulsory for Term 2 and Term 3 as part of the Winter Uniform and boys need to come in and be fitted correctly for their blazers.

Co-curricular Sport Uniform (Years 5 - 12)

As Winter sport commences this term, please refer to the attached list of Winter sport uniform requirements and prices:  

College ItemCostSeasonStatus
Football jersey$45.00WinterCompulsory
Black PE shorts$40.00WinterCompulsory
Football socks$18.00WinterCompulsory
Black SPC rugby shorts$40.00WinterCompulsory
Rugby socks$18.00WinterCompulsory
Rugby jersey$70.00WinterCompulsory
Training jersey$45.00WinterCompulsory
Black SPC rugby shorts$40.00WinterCompulsory
Rugby socks$18.00WinterCompulsory
SPC head gear (small size only)$89.00WinterOptional
White SPC short sleeve polo top$50.00WinterCompulsory
Black SPC PE Shorts$40.00Winter Compulsory
White SPC sports socks$14.00Winter Compulsory
Black SPC sports cap$20.00WinterCompulsory

Boys need to come to the Uniform Shop to be fitted correctly.   


Please don’t forget to download the Uniform Shop Order Form from the College website under Uniform Shop


Fill in the details and send the form with your son to school if he is purchasing items during school hours.  


Loretta Mynett

Uniform Shop Manager