Co-curricular - Junior Sport Stage 3

Welcome back to all our boys and families, I hope the Term 1 break was an enjoyable and relaxing time spent together. After a long first time, no doubt there was a lot of recovery needed by the boys and hopefully the break offered them this opportunity.
Now that we are back for Term 2, we once again hit the ground running. Boys have started their sport training in preparation for the first round of the Winter season on Saturday 4May. All boys should be aware of their teams and training times and venues. Please be aware that there is still potential for the training schedule to be modified as coaches are still coming on board. Changes are likely to be to venues only, however, there still remains the possibility that some teams may have to change days. Families will be notified of any changes via the SPC App.
It is important for all boys and their families to have downloaded the College App for the Winter season. Boys and their parents/carers need to subscribe to the Junior School Winter sport they are playing, along with the Junior School Fixtures tag. On these tags you will receive updates on shared information, the confirmed weekly draw and cancellation notices of training and games. The SPC App is readily updated and is the fastest way to get important information about Saturday sport and training.
A few reminders about training for Winter sport:
- All boys should be wearing the College branded uniform.
- For Rugby, we encourage the use of the blue training top and for Football and AFL the College PE uniform.
- Boys must have the appropriate safety gear for their sport at training, namely mouthguards and shin pads. Failure to have these items will result in boys not being able to train, but boys will still be expected to attend their training and help their coach.
- Boys training at offsite venues such as Airey Park and Hudson Park, are to be promptly collected at the end of training.
- Any student not collected within five minutes of the training session concluding will be walked back to the College for collection by their parents/carers.
- On game day, boys should be at their venue 30 minutes before their scheduled start time. This gives the coach and the team time to prepare for their game with a warm-up.
- Boys must be attired in College playing uniform. On cold mornings the College tracksuit is to be worn, not a regular jumper or hoodie from home.
- The trend of boys cutting the feet off their playing socks to wear grip socks underneath is not to occur. As we are transitioning this year to new ‘grip’ socks, there is no need for this to happen.
- Compression garments may be worn under playing uniforms and must be black in colour.
- Full length tights are not to be worn however, compression socks and shorts are acceptable under the playing uniform.
- Boys not correctly attired will not be allowed to take the field and consequences will be incurred on the following Monday.
- It is expected that all boys attend both their training and Saturday fixtures throughout the season. Any absence will require an email to me and a medical certificate, particularly for absences on a Saturday.
Finally, this Saturday is the Junior School’s Supporters’ Duty. On this day, boys come to school in the afternoon ready to cheer on the efforts of our teams. This weekend, the Junior School will be supporting the Second XV and First XV Rugby teams. The boys are to meet in Powell Pavilion at 1:45 PM to have their names marked off. From there, they will move down to Breen Oval seats to support the teams. At the conclusion of the First XV match, boys will be dismissed. This is usually around 5:00 PM. There will be canteen facilities available on the day, however our primary objective is to support the Rugby teams. This is a compulsory event for all boys, and they are expected to attend. Any student unable to attend needs to email their class teacher and an alternative day for attendance will be issued. Boys are to wear their black Supporter’s polo shirt, black shorts, and black cap, socks, and runners. If it is cold, then the College tracksuit is to be worn.
I wish all our teams and their coaches all the best for Round 1 of Winter sport.
John Locke
Head of Co-Curricular (Stage 3)