Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Term 2 Week 1
Welcome back to all boys and families after a very well-deserved break. Training is back in full swing, and fixtures will recommence this Saturday 4 May. It is important for all boys and families to check the SPC App and Daily Announcements on TASS to stay informed of what is occurring. It is a requirement for all boys to attend both training and fixtures. If a boy is injured, contact must be made from a parent or carer with any medical certificates. Injured boys do not need to attend training but are to attend their team matches and support their team.
On Saturdays, boys should arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes before their scheduled start time. This gives the coach and the team time to prepare for the game and warm up appropriately. Boys must be attired in the College playing uniform. The College tracksuit is to be worn rather than a casual jumper or hoodie from home. As we are transitioning this year to new ‘grip’ socks, there is no need for boys to be cutting their SPC socks and wearing them over the top of other coloured grip socks. Compression garments can be worn under playing uniforms but must be black in colour. Full length tights are not to be worn however, compression socks and shorts are acceptable under the playing uniform. Boys not correctly attired will not be allowed to take the field and consequences will occur on the following Monday. Do not let your team down!
Holiday Football Fixtures
The First XI had two fixtures over the holiday break. In the first week, they played a local academy whom they defeated 3-1 and in the second week, they took on Shore’s First XI whom they defeated 4-0. Both games were against very formidable opposition, which demonstrates the hard work they have been putting in, in preparation for the upcoming ISA season. There was also an internal trial between the 16As and the Second XI where the 16As showed just how prepared for the upcoming season they are, defeating the Second XI 5-1. There will be no doubt a lot of learning taken from that game for the Second XI, who will use this as motivational fuel for the season ahead.
Samuel Boggs
Head of Sport