
Botanical Gardens - Year 4

Botanical Gardens

This term in Year 4 we are learning about the Rainforest, so on Friday the 3rd of May, we made their way to the Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens. When we first arrived, we were put into our groups and had our recess. Then once we were fuelled, we were ready for the learning! We were introduced to our guides and off we went. 


We learnt that plants release a chemical called phytoncides (phy·​ton·​cides) which has a calming and relaxing effect. It also has health benefits such as reducing symptoms of anxiety and fatigue, improve sleep, increase energy, and concentration and memory.


We walked through Fern Gully, which is the manmade Rainforest of the RBG and learnt about how plants in rainforests have adapted to be able to survive. Some examples of this are leaves becoming spikier to defend themselves from predators, plants growing out of others to reach sunlight, and even roots growing alongside trees to have quick access to nutrients!


We also created some adapted mud creatures, thinking about what adaptions animals might need to continue to survive, in the same way that the rainforest does! It was really fun and exciting to see all the different adaptations we all came up with.


We can’t wait to learn more about the rainforest and just how special and important it is to our climate and ecosystem!


Written by Nicole Lichoudaris