From the Acting Principal 

Dr Cheryle Osborne

Dr Cheryle Osborne
Dr Cheryle Osborne





Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

As a result of increased administrative requirements and other impacting factors, last year the school commenced the exploration of alternative arrangements for our OSHC programme. The School Council received several proposals. From these proposals TheirCare was appointed as our new provider. TheirCare is expected to commence at the beginning of Term 3. Our current coordinator April, and assistant Sharelle were both offered positions to continue with the new provider. 


Sharelle has decided to join our education support team as an integration aide and will also be our library technician, which is fabulous news. Sharelle has been working in our OSHC programme for the past 17 years and has been excellent. We are really happy that Sharelle is continuing with us so will continue to be part of our school community. 


April has been at Ormond Primary School working in our OSHC programme for the past 25 years, which is truly remarkable. April has been a brilliant coordinator and has had a very positive impact on many of our students and their families. April has decided to explore some new ventures for the future. April will be with us until TheirCare commences which is expected to be at the beginning of Term 3.


The cross-country was very successful. The weather was perfect for the run around Allnutt Park, and we had many parents there to encourage the students. The F – Year 2 students enjoyed running around the school. We certainly have some very fast runners. Thank you to Ms Kah for organising the event and to the parents who volunteered their assistance on the day.

Mother’s Day Celebration

We have an open morning to celebrate Mother’s Day, tomorrow the 10th of May. The Parents and Friends have organised a free coffee cart from 7:00am providing free coffee, and the classrooms will be open from 8:00am to 8:45am. Parents are invited into the classrooms so your child can share what they have been doing in class. I have heard that the special Mother’s Day lunch held last weekend was a huge success. Well done team! 

New Turf

The works on the new turf are expected to commence next week. Unfortunately, there will be quite a disruption to the yard as half will be cordoned off as they work on laying the new turf. Students will walk down to the Wattle Grove Reserve during lunch time to play. This is a five minute walk from school. There is a playground and toilets at the reserve. 

New School Signs

The new school signs have been installed and they look brilliant! A huge thank you to Jacqui Warfe who organised the signs to be made. 


The students have enjoyed their excursions so far this term. The Year 3 students visited the museum, Year 4’s went to the Botanical Gardens and the Year 6 students went to Parliament House. The Year 5’s have Sovereign Hill planned. The Year 5 and 6 students have also been taking part in the Inter-relate which is a Health and Puberty program. Thank you to the teachers for organising the excursions and to the parents who assisted. 

Pupil Free Days 2024

There will be Pupil Free Days on Monday the 27th of May, Friday the 16th of August and Monday the 4th of November. 


Students are not required at school on those dates.


Our out of School Hours care will be available on the days if required. 


Sharni has been working on gaining access to update the website. We know there are aspects that need immediate attention. This will be worked on as we move through term 2. 

Student Behaviour

We are aware that the student behaviour in the yard has been of concern recently. The staff discussed strategies and procedures at our staff meeting this week. We also let the students know at assembly last Monday that we will be working on making the yard a happier and safer place to be during recess and lunch.  We will be introducing a behaviour matrix which we will share with the students and families over the coming weeks. The matrix is designed around recognising inappropriate behaviours and modifying them. 

School Photos

The school photos have been dispatched to us and are expected to arrive early next week.


If any families forgot to place an order or have any questions about their photo packs, please contact MSP Photography directly on 03 9115 1642 and they will be able to assist.

Year 7 Enrolment Forms

Thank you to all the parents who have returned the enrolment forms to school. 


The cut off date is tomorrow, Friday the 10th of May. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher interviews will be held during the last week of term on the 25th and 26th of June. Reports will be available on-line the week before.


Take care,
