From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton

Developing Assets for Learning


Holidays are an amazing time and offer our children such a good opportunity to apply their learning in a different place or situation than their regular classroom experience. One of the learnings that we most often hear about children demonstrating in their holidays is their growing understanding of the learning assets.


There are six learning assets your child will have been learning about and developing at St Paul: Thinker, Self-Manager, Collaborator, Communicator, Researcher and Contributor. 


The learning assets are a core feature of our learning and are developed in all of our learning areas in different ways. For example, children may practise being collaborators by listening to others’ suggestions for choreography with a group for dance in Performing Arts. Or children may learn about and practise being a self-manager when they are playing soccer at morning break and their team isn’t winning. By actively focusing on developing these assets in our children, we are setting them up to be able to lead their own learning and work with others to succeed at school and beyond, no matter where life takes them. 


You can see some examples of how our children are developing and demonstrating these learning assets through the ‘We are…’ board in the main corridor near the canteen.




I am open-minded and creative.

I can think logically, creatively and reflectively. I think about how I use my thinking and have different strategies for making my thinking visible to others. I am open-minded and know that my thinking can change as I experience new things and listen to others’ viewpoints.




I am resilient and reflective.

I can learn independently and make wise decisions about my learning and behaviour. I know myself as a learner and can set - and work towards personal goals. I can reflect on my learning and challenge myself to improve. I am aware of and can talk about my feelings and how they can affect my behaviour.




I am empathic and reliable.

I can work with others on shared goals, questions and challenges. I know how to be a productive member of a team and how to take on different roles. I can actively listen to and respect other people’s ideas and opinions. I am prepared to learn with and from others. I try to consider how others might be thinking and feeling.




I am responsive and respectful.

I can confidently communicate ideas in different ways and for different purposes. I think about my audience and modify my communications accordingly. I listen thoughtfully and engage in what others communicate to me. I willingly share my learning. I understand that different contexts can require different ways of communicating.




I am curious and persistent.

I know how to ask different kinds of questions in order to find out. I can locate and use a wide range of sources and techniques to investigate problems, issues and questions and take my learning into the unknown. I think critically about the information I gather, and I am careful to acknowledge my sources.




I am courageous and responsible.

I try to use my learning to make a positive difference to my life and the lives of others. I am aware of the skills, talents and perspectives I have and how I can bring these to a group. I think about how I can be helpful to others both in my local and global contexts and take action where I can. I try to make ethically responsible decisions.