Year 6 Curriculum News 

Term 2, 2024 

We are looking forward to another action-packed term in Year 6. We will be starting our term with our wonderfully moving Anzac Ceremony, and really hope to have our very special guest, Grant Coultman-Smith in attendance once again. 


Term 2 highlights also include House Cross Country and a changeover from Summer to Winter inter-school sports teams where students will enjoy learning a different sport and competing against local schools. 


This term, we are continuing ‘Take Action Tuesday’ on a weekly basis, with our students enjoying the opportunity to participate in and lead various activities. It is fabulous to see so many Year 6 students demonstrating excellent leadership qualities.

Units of Inquiry

Transdisciplinary Theme: 

Where we are in place and time


Central Idea: 

Present day cultures are influenced by cultures of the past

Lines of inquiry:

  • Events leading to Australia’s involvement in war since Federation
  • The changing face of Australian society throughout the 20th Century
  • Migration
  • The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society


This term we will be beginning Term 2 continuing this unit of inquiry. Students will be independently researching a defining moment in Australia’s history. They will collaborate with peers to present a play to the Year 3 students with the purpose of sharing their knowledge. 


The summative task for this unit will be a written Information Report, drawing on prior knowledge through our Trait Writing lessons. 


Transdisciplinary theme:

 How the world works


Central Idea: 

Exploration of interests and passions inspires learning and innovation.


Our second unit of inquiry this term will culminate in our Year 6 Exhibition early in Term 3. Students will use critical and creative thinking to pose questions and possibilities, then use their wonderings to design, create and share their ideas. Students will develop their own lines of inquiry for this unit.

Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile

May: reflective

June: communicators



Throughout Term 2, students will produce, in print and electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures and features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience and context of the writing. 


We will be focusing on informative and narrative writing over the coming weeks. Students will consolidate their knowledge of structure and will practise a variety of writing techniques to enhance their narrative and informative writing. 


They will employ a variety of strategies for writing, including generating ideas, identifying voice, organisation, word choice, sentence fluency and text structures and conventions.



Students will continue to read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literary texts and reference material in print and in multimodal formats. They will analyse these texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text. Reading comprehension skills are continuing to be developed – finding the main idea, recalling facts and details, understanding sequence, cause and effect, comparing and contrasting and making predictions.



Students will consolidate their knowledge of place value using decimal numbers, apply their knowledge of the four processes, operations, fractions, decimals and percentages.



In Term 2, students will explore BIDMAS, using brackets and the order of operations to write and solve number sentences.



Students will continue to explore measurement, focusing on converting between common units of length, mass and capacity using whole and decimal numbers. 



In our Space focus, students will explore the Cartesian Plane, understanding and investigating coordinates, providing a visual demonstration of the skills learnt. 



Following on from our Term 1 investigations with data, students will continue analysing data sets, exploring different ways of representing data visually, and through investigations, communicate their findings with their peers. 



In conjunction with our focus on Number problems, Year 6 students will describe probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages, examining outcomes of chance events.


5/6 Challenge Group

The Maths Challenge program commences in Term 2 with the inclusion of the Maths Olympiads and Maths Games contests. These provide challenges and extension for students who demonstrate higher order thinking.

Inclusive Approaches

Zones of Regulation

Students will continue to use the Zones of Regulation as a tool to understand and manage emotions. We encourage students to apply strategies they have created for their ‘Coping cupboards’ in the classroom, in the playground and in their communities.


Respectful Relationships

We will be completing our last lesson of the Respectful Relationships program Topic 6- Help Seeking. Students have contributed with maturity and modelled clear understandings of our learning intentions throughout these lessons.


Resilience Project

This term we will work through the Resilience Project lessons to build gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. 


Cyber Safety Project

This term students will continue to work through the Cyber Safety Project lessons for Year 6. These lessons aim to empower students to establish skills and self manage their own digital lives. Students will learn how easy it is to over share online and find ways to protect their privacy and personal data.


Key Dates

18 April- Year 6 Excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance

24 April- Year 6 ANZAC Day Ceremony

25 April- ANZAC Day public holiday

2 May- House Cross Country

3 May - Round 1 5/6 Interschool sports Sport 

6 May - Mothers’ Day Stall


15 May- District Cross Country Dendy Park

10June - King’s Birthday Public Holiday

28 June- End of Term 2 



Year 6 Team 

Mrs Lauren Lowers, Mrs Christine Gill, Ms Nicole La Gerche, Ms Georgia Tilley, Mrs Kate Morrison, Mrs Elli Roberson and Ms Naomi Holt

