Principal's Report

Michael Ramsey 

19th April 2024

Welcome Back

I hope all our families enjoyed the school holiday break. Term 2 is quite a long term at 11 weeks and will be full of plenty of learning opportunities for our students at WHPS. This term we also have a number of events and activities such as the Year 5 camp, beginning preparations for the art show and state school spectacular, as well as a number of variety of excursions, incursions, and extra-curricular activities. The Year 4 students went off camp earlier in this week and had a great time. Thanks to all the staff who attended the camp and helped to make it a success.


Semester 1 reports will be available in the last week of school and the next Parent Teacher interviews will be held towards the end of Term 3. 


Prep Enrolment 2025 - Sibling Enrolments

Applications for Prep 2025 are now open. As per the Department of Education's placement policy, all siblings of students already enrolled in the school are guaranteed a place BUT you still need to fill in an application form.


Information about enrolment and applications can be found on our school website. This year, applications are completed online (not paper).


We would appreciate all sibling applications to be submitted by the end of the term, so we have an idea of our prep numbers for next year. Thank you!


School Hours and Supervision

The school day at WHPS starts at 8:50am. Students are expected to be in class and preparing for their day of learning by this time.


Students are supervised in the school yard from 8:40am, and up until 3:45pm at the end of the day. Please do not drop your child off at school before 8:40am as they will be unsupervised at this time. 


Sick and Unwell Children

Just a reminder to keep sick and unwell children at home until they are better. If you send sick or unwell children to school, they are not well enough to learn, and can potentially spread any illnesses to other children or teachers at school. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. 


Assemblies in Term 2

Assembly will continue to be run by our student leaders at 2pm on Friday afternoon via Webex:


At assembly student of the week awards are presented, as well as other awards and recognition of student achievements, sustainability news and other announcements. On the last day of term we will aim to have an outside assembly on the oval.


David & Friends Storytelling

During term 1 David, Allen, Evan and William from grade three have spent some time volunteering on a Friday afternoon after school to visit a local child care centre and support the younger children by reading and spending time playing together. 


The child care centre have expressed how pleased they were with the boys efforts and encourage future volunteering from WHPS students. Well done boys!


Michael Ramsey
