Level 1: Connect

Happy Friday to our Level 1 families! The past two weeks have flown by again! Lots of learning and lots of fun had along the way. Enjoy the pictures and reading about what is coming up in the following 2 week for your child.
The Level 1's got to meet Tommy!
Tommy is a qualified therapy dog and he lives with Anthony Klvac. He got a very warm welcome from the students in 1A.
Always a highlight for us. The Level 1's helped to plant some spring onions this week.
Developmental Play:
Lots of different areas to explore during Developmental Play. This week our role playing areas have been quite popular. We have had a school with a canteen, a hairdressers and also a vet. It is always lovely to see children's imaginations running wild during this time.
Over the next two weeks we will be concentrating on:
- Heart Words - have, give, live, like, would, could, should. Remembering heart words always have a part that cannot be sounded out, we need to use our heart to remember the tricky part.
- Rule review: reviewing the rule that no English words end in v- we must add an e on the end!
- Phonemes - the magic e rule! The rule behind the magic e is: 'the magic e at the end makes the vowel before it say it's name'. For example, cake, bike, home and mule. The e at the end makes the vowel make the 'long vowel' sound- as opposed to the short vowel sound that you hear in cat, cot, cut. Ask your child about the vowel sounds and the new magic e rule!
- Morphology learning: The suffix -es changes a base word to plural, meaning more than one. We will also be learning the suffix un-, meaning 'not' or making a base word a negative. For example, unzip, unfold, unpack, unkind, unhappy.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have spent a great deal of time partitioning numbers, and students have been making huge gains in their understandings. In developing their ability to partition, students can break down numbers into more manageable chunks. Students are also able to more confidently add and subtract when they have honed their partitioning skills.