Foundation: Connect
Term 2 Weeks 5
Foundation: Connect
Term 2 Weeks 5
Over the last few weeks, it has been impressive to see more and more students entering the classroom independently and carrying out their morning routine. They are all very capable so let’s keep this up!!
In Literacy we have been enjoying fairy tales! We have been learning about the sequencing and looking into the beginning, middle and ending of stories. Next week will be looking at Goldilocks. We have also learnt about the letters o, j, v, w, e and x. We are continuing to make our way through the alphabet and these have now been added to our sound pack. In weeks 5 and 6, we will add k,y,z and qu.
We have been adding to our Heart Words and over the past two weeks we have looked at has, see, and for. In the coming weeks we will be learning the Heart Words 'You' and 'Are'.
In Numeracy we are continuing to learn about addition. Students are learning to add two numbers together. We are encouraging them to count on from the bigger number or one to one count to ensure they don’t miss any when counting. We have also been looking at location. We have been exploring giving instructions using different language like, forward, behind, on top of, below, underneath left and right.
In the following weeks, students will be learning about subtraction, using a range of different manipulatives. Exciting!