Community News

Australian Children’s Orchestra & Lessons Program Our renowned Orchestra Training Program has been enriching the lives of young musicians for many years.In the Orchestra Training Program, young musicians from 8 to 18 years of age rehearse and explore music on Saturdays during school terms.With a team of highly qualified and experienced conductors’ students learn to extend their musical skills by playing exciting music and having unforgettable performance experiences.The Program also includes Competitions, internationally based awards, concerts, solo and small group performance opportunities.Lessons are also available for those wanting to learn Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano and Theory/Composition. See our website for further information and to make an application. Children as young as 5 can begin their journey into the wonderful world of music exploration.
Sandy Eco Expo
We are excited to be part of the inaugural @Sandy Eco Expo at the Sandybeach Centre at 2 Sims Street,
Sandringham, on Saturday 11 May from 12 pm - 4 pm.
The expo will include information stands, repair workshops for bicycles, gardening tips and tricks, a garden produce swap area (bring your lemons, herbs, veggies and fruit), a second-hand clothes market, one-day-only collection of specific recyclables (including polystyrene and textiles), screening of The Clean Bin movie, many demonstrations and speakers and more.
The expo will include information stands, repair workshops for bicycles, gardening tips and tricks, a garden produce swap area (bring your lemons, herbs, veggies and fruit), a second-hand clothes market, one-day-only collection of specific recyclables (including polystyrene and textiles), screening of The Clean Bin movie, many demonstrations and speakers and more.