Their Care

Hi Everyone,
We are creating our activities based on different countries all around the world . Last week we made Mexico . We look at sporting choices, craft, and food based on Mexico. The children enjoyed painting Mexican hats and had a go at painting the Golden Eagle . A few kids had a go at making Mexican food out of fabric . A big shout out to Avia who made a Taco.! Kids enjoyed Nachos, Quesadillas and Tacos for afternoon tea which were a definite hit . This week the chosen country by the children is France . However, we are fitting in Mother's Day this week also. The children will be having French favorites such as homemade quiche and croissants. Either painting the Eiffel Tower or having a go building it with Lego. For
Cooking, it's Coconut Macaroons. As always our hairdressing heads are never untouched at TheirCare. A huge hit whichever week it is. Finally, congratulations to Avia our 'We Care winner' for Term One. Their Care donated $50 from each of our services to Australian Conservation. This term our charity is the Starlight Foundation. So let’s see who will be our winner with the most stickers earned for Term 2 That’s it from me.
Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend.
Melissa - Their Care