Level 4: Connect

Important: District Cross Country next Wednesday 15th May
History Box in-house excursion Tuesday 21st May
We are incredibly proud of our fantastic Level 4 students for their effort and participation at our Cross Country last week. Students displayed incredible sportspersonship, with some crossing the finish line together, inspiring other age groups to do the same. It was a heartwarming spectacle and a testament to the amazing students of our year level!
We wish our district cross country team all the best for next Wednesday. We know you will do yourselves, and us, proud. Go SEPS!
We're currently immersed in our class novel 'Figgy in the World' and using it as our mentor text during literacy lessons. Through these texts, we're enhancing students' comprehension strategies, with a focus on identifying the main idea in each chapter. This skill is crucial for both fiction and nonfiction texts and helps strengthen their summarising skills.
In the coming weeks, we'll delve into persuasive writing. We'll explore various persuasive devices such as alliteration, similes, metaphors, and emotive language. Additionally, we'll practice distinguishing between fact and opinion, as well as identifying the author's inferences in their writing pieces.
The students have been engaged in developing a range of strategies to improve their recall of times tables facts. They also have developed their understanding of multiplicative thinking by identifying ‘groups’ which occur in the everyday environment. For example, 2s could be pairs of socks or shoes, 5s could be fingers and toes, 6s can be a an AFL goal etc. In the upcoming fortnight, the students will be participating in applying their skills to solve a range of problems. This will also support and prepare them our assessments in the upcoming weeks.
In applied maths over the next couple of weeks, we will wrap up our sessions on telling the time in both analogue and digital formats and also time conversions. We will then head into lots of data work- namely collecting, sorting, graphing and making meaning from data that we have collected.
We have been continuing to discover more about celebrations and commemorations in Australia. These have included Australia Day, Harmony Day and Reconciliation Week.
Students have begun researching an Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander person who has made an impact in sport, the arts, politics etc.
Next week we will begin to look more specifically at the history of Bayside and what has stayed the same and/or changed over time. Students will also be introduced to some of our First Nation celebrations and their ongoing connection to Bayside.
In week 6, students will begin their own history project based on a celebration or commemoration of their choosing. This project will be presented in an information book format complete with such elements as a glossary, index, contents page and captions. We can't wait to see what our clever Level 4 students create!
A wonderful few weeks of learning so far and we look forward to seeing you same time, same place in a fortnight!
-The level 4 team: Robyn, Lisa and the Tillys!