Learning & Teaching

Life Education Victoria
This term, Life Education Victoria will return with Harold (the giraffe). The Prep-4 students will participate in Health and Wellbeing workshops related to the Health and Physcial Education curriculum (Personal, Social and Community Health) focusing on the following topics:
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60 minutes | My Body Matters Harold and his friends want to look their best for photo day at school, but discover that things don't always go to plan. This workshop focuses on things students can do to keep themselves healthy including: -the importance of personal hygiene -choosing foods for a healthy balanced diet -benefits of physical activity and sleep |
Year 1
60 minutes | Ready, Steady, Go Harold and his friends are ready for their big race at the school athletics carnival...or are they? When one member of their relay team doesn't show up, what will they do? This fun, engaging narrative provides students the opportunities to discover: -safety strategies in different environments -how our body reacts in new situations -benefits of physical activity -what our body needs to be healthy including a nutritious diet, water and sleep |
Year 2
60 minutes | Growing Good Friends Harold tries to figure out what to give his grandma for her birthday. His friends Boots and Red step in and offer some good ideas. This animated story takes us to familiar surroundings where students can: -define who the “special people” are in our lives -identify ways to make new friends and maintain healthy friendships -explore how positive relationships benefit our health and wellbeing |
Year 3
90 minutes | The Inside Story In this workshop, students travel around inside the body to visit the body systems. Harold reports his findings along the way to the to help students learn how food is processed, the role of nutrients in our bodies, and how the heart and lungs oxygenate blood. Students will learn: -the benefits of healthy food for health and energy -function of the body systems; digestive, respiratory, circulatory and others -factors that influence physical health, such as nutrition, exercise and medicines |
Year 4
90 minutes | Friends and Feelings This workshop focuses on being a good friend. The concepts of; asking consent, having tricky conversations with friends, and feelings associated with big changes are also explored. Students will learn about: -identifying and practising assertive communications skills -practising emotional regulation skills such as mindful breathing -broadening and developing emotional literacy |
Please note that Year 5/6 students will participate in Puberty Education later in the year.
Further embed the learning at home
Access the complimentary Life Education parent/carer information session that increases knowledge around current and relevant social issues your children face each day. The session aims to help you develop strategies to help raise happy, healthy children.