Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


Welcome back to Term 2. And happy Easter Season to you all. I hope that all families were able to celebrate Easter together and enjoy a restful school holiday break, perhaps somewhere warm.


As we enter our second term and driving to work this week (scattering numerous leaves as I weaved my way to Kew), I was reminded of the words from Paul Kelly’s song ‘Leaps and Bounds’, ‘I remember, I remember, I’m breathing today, the month of May, all the burning leaves’...


Clearly, I am aware that we’re not yet in the ‘month of may’, but we’re not too far off this mark. We’re however, in mid to late April, which is when things really start to ramp up at Sacred Heart Kew. 


Term Two always brings with it a load of opportunities and possibilities. Next Thursday 25 April, as a country we celebrate ANZAC Day, where we pause to remember all the men and women who have given their lives in wars and conflicts over the years, protecting us and our country, allowing us the many freedoms we enjoy today. We also remember those men and women who are still in other countries, trying to make people’s lives safer around the world, each and every day. 


Next Friday 26 April, our school will be closed for all staff and students, as this is a School Closure Day (Time in Lieu for staff) in accordance with the new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 (the Agreement). 


As previously communicated to families, this new Agreement introduces a formal time in lieu (TIL) process for teachers. The Agreement provides that a principal may require a teacher to undertake work and attend a school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e., in excess of the 38 hours or normal hours for a part-time teacher) and when this occurs, it will attract TIL. Principals should prepare for the accrual and acquittal of TIL through their annual planning process. The timing of the acquittal of TIL is at the discretion of the principal, having regard to the operational needs of the school and causing the least disruption to the educational program of the school. Principals may elect to acquit TIL through designating days during the year on which all staff and students are not required to attend school. Next Friday is one of these designated days. 


Some other events that will be here before we know it include: 


Prep 2025 interviews continued 

Year 5 & 6 Virtual Puberty Parent/Child Workshop

St Kevin’s College Community Service program

Interschool Sports

Healthy Harold visit

Mother’s Day activities - Stall, Classroom Visit & Morning Tea

Mother’s Day Paraliturgy

Ladies Lunch 

School Tours

District Cross Country 

Year 4 Camp 

Senior Camp & Camp Activities Week

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 3)

Year 3 & 4 AFL Gala Day

Feast of the Sacred Heart 

School Disco


Term Two is underway. 


As you soon breathe in the month of May and negotiate the burning leaves, may your path be safe and smooth. We look forward to a busy, but rewarding school term ahead, with much learning, fun and laughter to come. 


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend and Term Two. 


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes 


School Principal