Freeman House News

Welcome back to school and to the start of
Term 2!
We hope you all had a rejuvenating break and are ready for the exciting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
Firstly, a huge congratulations to all the students who participated in our recent College Athletics Carnival. It was inspiring to witness your dedication, sportsmanship, and teamwork on display throughout the event. Whether you were sprinting down the track, competing in field events, or cheering on your fellow classmates from the sidelines, your enthusiasm and effort did not go unnoticed. Your involvement not only showcased your athletic abilities but also demonstrated the vibrant spirit of our school community. We saw lots of ribbons on Freeman students are we are so proud of your athletic achievements. Thank you to our dedicated teachers, staff, and volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the carnival, we are grateful for your hard work and dedication.
As we commence this term, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the significance of ANZAC Day, which we will be commemorating on April 25th. ANZAC Day holds a special place in our hearts as we remember and honor the courage, sacrifice, and service of the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought bravely in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping missions. It's an opportunity for us to pay tribute to those who have served and continue to serve our nation, as well as to reflect on the values of mateship, resilience, and freedom that they fought to uphold. We are very grateful that we have the opportunity to reflect at the whole school ANZAC Day assembly.
To continue to the celebrations, Freeman Students have had a cracking start to term with a ton of values nominations; 112 in the first week of term. They are further broken down into the following categories;
Leadership: 4
Learning: 77
Respect: 14
Working Together: 17
Well done to Aliana (year 8) and Shahab (year 11) for the most nominations in the week from Freeman students.
Freeman House Leadership Team