Walton House News

Walton House Update
Dear Parents, Carers, Family and Students,
Welcome back to term 2!
We are currently in week 3 and have had such a full and eventful term already 😊
Athletics Day
Last week we had the Athletics Day on Monday, this was a huge success! We had so many students engage in activities, both on the field and off. Students came dressed in house pride, and it was fantastic to see so many students wearing YELLOW for Walton pride 😊
Cross Country
Tuesday last week we held the annual cross-country event! This was a lot of fun for students who were given the opportunity to race their peers, and in the process achieve house points!
On Tuesday during mentor we held our first whole school assembly for the year. This was to mark ANZAC Day. This assembly was great, with students demonstrating respect and silence throughout this event. We had guest Ray Heathcote from the Berwick RSL speaking about his experience with war. We had students running the assembly, and speaking about the context of ANZAC Day.This is the speech prepared and presented by Walton Leader, Luka Babic who is the Humanities Domain Leader.
Thank you all for being here, I am going to provide some context on Gallipoli.
On the 28th of July 1914 Austria invaded Serbia, Germany then invaded Belgium which cause Britain to declare war on Germany. As a result of this, Britain calls in its colonial dominions to support them in the war, and this included Australia and New Zealand, who were forced to join due to the colonialism of England.
The Australian and New Zealand people were encouraged to enlist in the war, promised glory and heroism, by servicing King George 5th.The Australian government created propaganda to encourage people to enlist.
Australians enlisted, but did not know what was to be expected in war, and believed they would serve for a few days and be offered medals.
In reality, this was not the case, as they were send to lands they had never heard of, in horrible conditions, that endures 8 long months of trench warfare, resulting in the deaths of 130,000 people from both sides of the campaign.
After this, many Australian and New Zealand people would go on to tragically lose their lives on the western front on France.
There is no glory in war. Lest we forget
Open Night
On Wednesday last week (24th) we held an Open Night, showcasing the amazing work we are doing at HPSC. We had over 75 families and over 100 people in attendance on the night! This is a spectacular turn out. A huge thanks to all the student leaders who volunteered on the night and assisted with tours, domain activities and serving hot drinks.
Values Nomination Champions
The following students have achieved the HIGHEST number of values nominations in their year level! Well done and keep working hard and living the HPSC values 😊
Mehmet Yaydemir – with 5 values nominations in two weeks.
Uniform, Lates and Attendance
A reminder to please ensure all students are following the correct school uniform. Ensure you are either in the academic uniform with black lace up shoes, or the sports uniform with runners, not a mixture of the two.
We need students to be coming to school on time, every time.
Please keep up the great work, this has been a fantastic start to the year, and we’re extremely excited for 2024!
Thank you
Gabi Phelan and the Walton Team