Wellbeing at TPS

Student Wellbeing Initiatives

Hi Families,


One of the things I love about Teesdale Primary School is the initiative of our students. Our student leaders run a number of structured activities at morning and afternoon break times across the week. 


These activities provide the structure that some of our students seek and it is wonderful to see how many students are attending these during their break times. 


If you child is looking for something to keep them busy during morning or afternoon break, please encourage them to attend one of the activities on offer. 

MondayPassive play
TuesdayPassive play, yoga and sport mania
WednesdayPassive play, talk plan play and junior joint
ThursdayPassive play, yoga and junior joint
FridayPassive play and talk plan play

Passive play- an indoor play option that provides a quiet space with a range of play options on rotation. It is also a great space to spend some time colouring, drawing or reading a book. 

Yoga- our wellbeing leaders run a yoga class on Tuesday and Thursday. Students of all abilities are welcome to attend as our leaders guide guests through each yoga pose. 

Wellbeing leaders- “talk, plan, play’. Our wellbeing leaders have set up a wellbeing hub where students can spend some time discussing concerns or issues they have run into in the yard. Our leaders will listen to the student, support them in making a plan and then encourage them to return to an activity they feel comfortable with. 

Junior Joint- Senior students run a number of fun group activities for our juniors on a Wednesday and Thursday. 

Sport mania- Our house leaders teach students the basic skills of a new sport each Tuesday.