School News

Miss Marks' Message

Hello families and welcome back to school for Term 3!

I have been very impressed with the efforts students have shown to transition back to school after the holidays. In our Morning Messages last week, we focused on re-establishing school routines and expectations. This included reminders of our reset time each afternoon to include shared spaces, the use of our walking zones to support everyone's safety and safe play expectations to respect everyone's space by keeping our hands and feet to ourselves. 

Student Led Conferences - Friday July 26

Student Led Conferences have crept up on us quickly and the anticipation is building! Our students have been working to prepare for their Conference this Friday and there is a lot of excitement from the students to be celebrating their learning with their families. 

Student Led Conferences are an opportunity for students to showcase their learning from Terms 1 and 2 with the support of their teacher. Attendance at school on Friday is only required for your child’s conference. 

Booking times for the Student Led Conferences are open on Sentral. 

Professional Practice Day - Monday July 29

A reminder also, that our staff have their Professional Practice Day on Monday July 29. This is a student free day. On Monday, we are looking forward to our staff visiting other schools professional learning. For our teachers, this includes observing literacy and mathematics instruction and for our Inclusion Team members this will involve learning about adjustments and student wellbeing supports. 

Sun Protection Policy

Our Sun Protection Policy has recently been updated to ensure it connects with our accreditation as a Sun Smart School. As part of this update, we will be monitoring the UV levels to determine when hats need to be worn. Hats will continue to be required from mid-August to the end of April, and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above. We have begun to share this improvement with students through our Morning Message and recommend students have access to their hat each day at school.


Finally, we have welcomed new team members to our community this term. Last week, we welcomed Mr Wade and Rosie Marks to our team! Mr Wade is teaching P.E. and Rosie has joined our Inclusion Team. 


Stay warm and take care, 


Updates Required to Personal Information

Please update personal information such as emergency contacts, address, work contact details, place of employment etc. in a timely manner.  Updates can be emailed to or visit the office. 

Healthy Eating at TPS


  OSH News

For the latest news from Community OSH, please see the attached newsletter.