From the Classroom

News from 5/6

It looks set to be a busy few weeks in the 5/6 Unit. Tomorrow, we have our Mini Olympics Part 2, where students will participate in games and demonstrate their teamwork. At Assembly, Nick McGowan, the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Scrutiny of Government and member of the Victorian Legislative Council representing the North-Eastern Metropolitan region, will present the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to the countries who earned the most points, from students who have demonstrated good sportsmanship, made strong choices in the classroom, shown kindness to their peers, have been helpful to staff and have completed amazing work and tasks.


House Athletics is happening on Friday 16 August. It is always a great day, full of students achieving their best and cheering for everyone. 


Bayswater Taste Tester is on Wednesday 21 August for Year 5 students. They will explore what a day in High School may look like. Students will have the opportunity to participate in STEAM, Physical Education and Food Tech lessons. They will also take a tour of the High School and see some other classes and spaces.


In Week 7, Wednesday 28 August, the 5/6 unit will be going to ScienceWorks. While at ScienceWorks, students will sit in the planetarium and watch “Where’s the Water?” Students will investigate whether there is the existence of water on all the planets in the Solar System. As we explore each planet for water, we will also examine each planet’s particulars and where they are positioned in relation to Earth.


If you have not given permission and/or paid for these exciting excursions, please do so at your earliest convenience.


In English, we continue to read, Us Mob Walawurru. We investigate the vocabulary and other literary devices the author uses. We study the plot and analyse the characters as well as answering comprehension questions on the text. 


We also are comparing and contrasting articles on the same subjects, looking at different authors opinions on various themes and what techniques they use to persuade readers.


In Maths, we are investigating polygons and quadrilaterals in relation to angles. We will be pulling apart word problems on the four operations and exploring what strategies and steps should be used and followed to answer questions. 


What's happening in 3/4

We love the Olympics at Marlborough and this was evident during our very own 'Potato 

Olympics'. Each student received a potato to decorate and give a persona. Everyone then participated in a torch relay leading up to our opening ceremony. All of the students, 'Tato-Olympians' competed in a range of math themed events: Spud-Put, Spud Length, Potato Lifting, Tato Roll, Spud Sprints and Spud Splash. All of our potaoes and their coaches were amazing sports and the smiles couldn't be wiped from everyone's faces. We ended the fun with an award ceremony where our winning spuds received medals and stood on a podium. A few beloved potatoes made a trip to the 'Potato Hospital' and others have made their way home to their new families. It was such an epic day. 


We are continuing with working on fractions and decimals. Students are looking at equivalent fractions and becoming familiar with numerators and denominators and how to represent them on a number line.


During our English sessions we are reading about weather and climate, looking at the vocabulary,  and developing our background knowledge and language skills to comprehend what we read. We have also been investigating persuasive language and how to present an argument to an audience. 


Our class novel this term is 'The Wild Robot' which has really engaged students as we read and learn about the impact of nature and weather on a washed up robot.



In Science this term we have been  learning about Earth and Space Sciences. This week students from F-4 enjoyed modelling some very impressive star constellations they had designed out of marshmallows and toothpicks!  


Katherine Ponton

Indonesian News

State Final Speaking Competition Results


On Saturday 27th July, we had 7 students representing our school at the State Finals of Sayembara, Indonesian Speaking Competition. Well done to Reuben V, Katherine W, Matthew R, Hannah D, Sylvie A, Brandon P and Zoe N.

I am very proud to announce the following award winners:

Level 1 – Third Place -Katherine W

Level 2 – Third Place – Matthew R

Level 3 – Highly Commended – Hannah D

The Awards Ceremony will be held this Friday 9th of August at Melbourne High School, South Yarra.

Lomba Competition

It has been a busy start to Term 3 with many of our students entering the Indonesian Poster Competition, run by VILTA and the Indonesian Consulate for Indonesian Independence Day on the 17th of August. The theme this year is Indonesia’s Natural Beauty. 

One of the themes for the whole school this term are days of the week/months of the year. The students in Prep –Grade 2 are learning new vocabulary through games and songs. Students in the middle and upper school are focusing on refining basic questions and responses in spoken Indonesian. The students will also develop their language skills through role playing and putting their language skills into practice.

Words to practise at home:

Hari-Hari Minggu - Days of the week
Hari Senin - MondayHari Selasa - Tuesday
Hari Rabu - WednesdayHari Kamis - Thursday
Hari Jumat -FridayHari Sabtu - Saturday
Hari Minggu- Sunday 
Bulan-bulan – Months of the year

If students have access to the internet at home, they might like to explore or revise their vocabulary at the Indonesian section of Languages Online at:

Terima kasih (Thank- you),

(Bu) Mary-Ellen Dowling