Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


Week 1


Trisha (Foundation)  - making a great start to Term 3 by doing your best and being responsible for your learning. Well done Trisha.

Amelie (12A) showing a terrific level of effort in your work. Well done for settling in so well to Marlborough Primary School. You are a super star!

Ashton (12B) always demonstrating respect to your peers in the classroom. Your attitude towards helping others has been highly recognised this week. Great job superstar!

Matthew (34A) by continuing to show us your growth mindset in all areas. We have been particularly impressed with how you have extended yourself in Maths and generating some highly persuasive reasons in your writitng. Awesome work Matthew!

Percy C (56B) always completing work to a high standard and for always wanting to challenge himself when attempting mathematical tasks.



Week 2


Isabella(12A) treating everyone kindly and fairly. You have a positive attitude towards your learning and you continue to strive to achieve your personal best. You are a super star!

Aislin (12B) always having a positive and determined attitude towards learning, you have done a great job applying your letter sound knowledge to help your writing. Great job superstar! 

Aiva (34A) by continuing to show her teachers what responsibility looks like in the classroom. Aiva always completes her work to her Personal Best ensuring that she has completed everything expected of her. You should be very proud of yourself Aiva!

Alex (56A)For your outstanding effort in all your work. I've been really impressed by the positive attitude you show towards your learning and your willingness to take on feedback and improve or correct your work. Well done, Alex!

Jemma (56B) working hard, completing tasks and asking for support when needed. Jemma is a kind, humorous and helpful student and we are lucky to have her in our grade!