Library News - Book Week

Two more weeks to go folks! The countdown is on for Book Week. The late night sewing and bedazzling of costumes will soon come to an end. This year the official week of CBCA Book Week is from Saturday, 17 August – Friday, 23 August. This year’s theme is “Reading is Magic”.
Our school will be celebrating with a costume parade and a visit from Grandparents/Special People on Thursday 22nd August. The festivities will commence at 9:00am in the Gym. Students have access through classroom teachers of a special invitation designed by The Library Action Team (TLAT).
This year TLAT are asking for all Grandparents/Special People to donate a book. This book will have a special dedication with the child’s name and their own. Doesn’t get better than that! At the front office you will find a box where books can be dropped off and slips to fill in with the names. Books are welcome on the day, just remember to include the names on a slip of paper please.
We are all still reading and adding to our book count on the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. TLAT have been enjoying reading everyone’s book reviews and sharing certificates with our keen bookworms. Keep adding those books! The challenge concludes on the 6th September.
Happy Reading Folks!