Behaviour Management at ENPS
At ENPS, it is important to us that everyone in our community feels safe at school. We value clear and transparent communication with our families and feel this is important to share with you.
Behaviour Management at ENPS
As a part of our school’s management of behaviours, we acknowledge that there may be times where the actions of individuals may escalate and we will be required to support students through this process. The response of staff in these circumstances will always be in a manner to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all.
From time to time, our school needs to enact safety procedures to respond to behaviours or situations that may pose a safety risk. Student and staff wellbeing is paramount at our school, and strategies like leaving the classroom and lockdown procedures are important tools used to ensure that students are safe while our staff respond to the situation. Please know that our staff is engaging in regular professional learning in evidence-based ways to support student behaviours. ENPS practises School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) by introducing, modelling and reinforcing positive social behaviour based on our three core values: Safe, Respectful and Kind.
Evacuation procedures are a part of our school’s Emergency Management Plan (EMP). When classroom evacuation is required, students are calmly escorted to another part of the school by staff. Where the evacuation occurs because of a student’s behaviour of concern, we remove the other students from the classroom to limit their exposure to the behaviour and to return to learning activities as quickly as possible.
Teachers provide support to students before, during and after classroom evacuations. We practise these procedures so that they become routine for students. Our Personal and Social Capability curriculum is supporting students to develop their own self-awareness and management skills through the recognition and expression of emotions and the development of resilience.
The school will not routinely notify all parents in the event of a classroom evacuation as these are a normal part of a school’s safety procedures. The school will notify individual parents in the event your child has been physically impacted in an incident. We will follow the same process we use to notify you of any illness/injury your child sustains that occurs during school activities.
We take our responsibility to manage the safety of all students seriously. If you have any concerns about your child, you are encouraged to raise those concerns with us so that we can take steps to ensure their safety and wellbeing. As an Executive Team we are happy to speak with you about any additional steps we can take to support your child, however we can’t speak with you about the individual circumstances of another student or the wider student cohort. Please speak directly with us rather than engaging in speculation within the school community as this will help reduce the chance of misinformation being shared.
We thank you all for your ongoing support and truly appreciate the sense of community we have at ENPS.
The ENPS Executive Team
Kate Barletta, Alice McKenzie, Connor Smith and Alice Stephens