Preps 100 Days of School 



We are very excited about our ‘100 Days of Learning’ celebration that will take place on Thursday 1 August (Week 3). 


We would love to invite families to come and celebrate in the Yalka (Prep-2) building at 9:15 am, where children will sing a song, be presented with a certificate and parade around in their costumes. There will be plenty of opportunity to take photos in front of our 100 prop.

Prep students are asked to bring in a collection of 100 small items to be counted on the Thursday. Some ideas of objects your child could bring along include: 100 pieces of dry pasta, paperclips, buttons, lego blocks etc. 


Students are also encouraged to dress up on Thursday 1 August (Week 3) as something to do with the number 100. For example, your child could dress up as a 100 year old person, wear a top that has the number 100 on it or wear an item of clothing that has 100 items painted/ glued on it. 


Our prep students will be participating in a variety of fun activities on the day to celebrate this exciting milestone.



Prep Teachers