


Welcome to an exciting semester in Year 7 Auslan! Our students have kicked off with enthusiasm, drawing inspiration from the Olympic Games. 


This Term, their focus is on sports and mastering the art of Depicting Signs and showing with their hands. So far, students have delved into of ice hockey, swimming, basketball, karate, archery, and footy. Using their growing sign language skills, they’re learning to illustrate these sports in engaging ways.


Next on their journey is a creative challenge: using their sign knowledge to vividly portray scenes. This skill will enhance their expressive abilities and deepen their understanding of Auslan. We're thrilled with their progress and can't wait to see them continue to flourish in Auslan this semester!


Families and carers are invited to watch a video in Auslan on YouTube. Simply click the link below.





Welcome back to semester 2. 


Our focus is on the delightful topic of food, inspired by the classic tale "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Through this beloved story, students are learning a variety of signs related to different foods. The goal is to empower them to express their preferences by signing about their favourite foods with confidence. This journey not only enhances their signing skills but also fosters creativity and communication in Auslan. 


We're thrilled to see them engage with this topic and look forward to their progress throughout the semester!