Assistant Principal 7 - 12

Hello all and welcome to the beginning of another exciting term. 


Term 3 promises to be a great term, and it certainly started that way, with Ethan Carrington being recognised with a Premier’s VCE Award for his outstanding academic results in 2023.


Ethan received a Study Award for excellence in Engineering Studies (VCE VET).

The annual Premier’s VCE Awards recognises the top-performing students in the state. This year, 310 students were recognised at the prestigious award ceremony, including three international students and six students who completed the VCE Vocational Major program with distinction, and 23 Top All-Round VCE High Achievers who achieved study scores of 46 or higher out of 50 in at least five VCE subjects.


The fact that Ethan was not only amongst these 310 high achieving students and the fact that he obtained the highest score in the state for Engineering as a Year 11 student is a real credit to him.


The Kyabram P-12 College community is proud of Ethan and would like to congratulate him on being the recipient of such a prestigious award. 


To view the full Honour Roll and to read more about the Premier’s VCE Awards, visit: 



It was also exciting to see seven of our Year 9 students recently embark upon an amazing leadership experience for the duration of Term 3 at the Gnurad-Gundidj Campus of the School for Student Leadership. 


During their time as part of the program, the students will engage in the natural environment, using their theoretical classes to help maximise their leadership, collaboration, connectedness and self-belief through amazing activities such as:

  • surfing in Warrnambool and Port Fairy
  • hiking through the World Heritage listed National Park – Budj Bim
  • hiking sections of the Great Ocean Walk
  • canoeing on the Hopkins and Gellibrand rivers
  • single track Mountain biking through Forrest and
  • high ropes courses in the Otway Ranges

Further information can be found through the following link:


Both of these celebrations epitomise our college motto of ‘Excellence Through Opportunity’ and I would encourage all students to aspire to such opportunities and accomplishments throughout their time at Kyabram P-12 College.


One such opportunity is quickly approaching, with our inaugural P-12 Athletics carnival scheduled to take place on Tuesday 06.08.24.  This promises to be an amazing event, with all students having the chance to showcase their skills and abilities, but also their sense of fun and fair play.  It will be great to see everyone participating as much as they are able, supporting their peers, and competing for house points in an attempt to secure the prized house champion awards and the overall house cup. 


Further to this, I would like to thank everyone for their attendance at the Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences which took place on Thursday 25.07.24.  

The conversations and goal setting which took place here are essential to future student success and keeping these lines of communication open with all stakeholders to help support the student in their continued growth and development.


To ensure the continued success of our students and their engagement with a rigorous curriculum, we will have a Staff Professional Learning Day on Monday 19.08.24, which will be a pupil free day.  On this day, staff will be planning for the implementation of the new Victorian Curriculum and planning to ensure student engagement with it.


One of our core College values is ‘Community’, and this was epitomised through the amazing level of response received from both parents and guardians, but also students in responding to the survey to gather feedback on 2025 timetable models.  With over 400 responses from staff (48 responses), students (267) and parents/carers (121) we were able to get rich data from a great cross-section of the school community.


Due to the feedback received, we are pleased to announce that a 5 period day will continue into 2025, with Connections being moved to after lunch. There will be further information about our timetable structure provided to families later this year.


Once again, thank you to all respondents to the survey.


It would be remiss of me not to welcome some new staff who we have commencing with us this term.  Please make the following staff feel welcome if you see them around either the school or the wider community:

  • Shane Byrne – Teaching VET Agriculture
  • Renuka Vinothkumar – Teaching Cooking and Textiles
  • Isaac Oogjes – Teaching Science
  • Hans Hanke – Teaching Technology
  • Ben Spalding – Teaching Maths and Science
  • Shashini Ponnamperuma – Teaching English and Humanities

As a final note, our school is always welcoming to volunteers, so if you wish to support the school through helping out in any way, large or small, please either call the office on 

5851 2100 or drop in to see one of our friendly administration staff.  This is particularly the case in the lead-up to our Father’s Day stall and breakfast on Friday the 30.08.24.


The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is opening this coming Monday. 

We would love to hear from you all so please follow the links when you get them.


If you need help or support in any regard, please contact the front office on 

(03) 5851 2100.


Thank you, 


Mitch Coombs