Principal News 

Introducing David Foley and Tandy Johnson

Principal News - Week 11

Principal’s Report. 

On Monday the staff came together to discuss effective ways to engage students through evidence-based, inclusive and culturally responsive practices as a whole school.  Classroom management strategies that are appropriate for junior and senior students is a critical component of helping students thrive in their learning environment. Staff participated in workshops to develop whole school strategies and how we will be putting these into practice across the school.  

In particular, we are discussing four key principles

^ Positive teacher-student relationships

^ High expectations for student behavior

^ Teaching routines

^ Establishing and maintaining rules

Teams will continue to explore and develop the principles into working routines in further sessions planned.  It was highly valuable for the staff to be given the opportunity to share opinions, problem solve and communicate about students’ safety and learning together. 

We will be regularly communicating via Compass and the newsletters way in which you can support our school in these changes.

Upcoming Dates to Remember


 July 2024
23rdKinder Storytime
30thDistrict Athletics
 August 2024
1st               Walkathon 
8th School Council Board
9thSecond Hand Uniform Sale
15th Yr 5/6 Production