Education in Faith News

Connie Bandiera, Education in Faith Leader

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary

The school community came together on Thursday to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. We gathered to remember the example Mary gaves us. Mary is a woman who is one of our own - human in every way; a woman who through her openness and trust in God, enabled God’s will to be fulfilled in the most extraordinary way. Mary is more than a model of what is possible in relationship with God, she is our hope and our promise of what God can do in our own lives, if we trust and believe.




Thank you to all the students who brought a flower to honour Mary, our mother, to our liturgy.



Sacrament of Confirmation - Sunday 18 August

On Thursday, our Year Six students headed into the city as part of a Reflection Day to rehearse for their upcoming Sacrament at St Patrick’s Cathedral and visit The Mary Glowrey Museum. The students took part in an experience that captured their attention, stimulated their curiosity and provided insight into the life and legacy of Mary Glowrey and into our Catholic heritage, community and beliefs. Mary Glowrey is only the second Australian to be considered for official recognition as a saint and the students learnt first hand which Gifts of the Spirit can be seen in Mary Glowrey’s life story.


Yesterday I received beautiful feedback from the Year 6's Refelction day. Here is an email of the faciliatator at the Mary Glowrey Museum...

We have just finished two sessions with your Year 6 students at the Mary Glowrey Museum.

We greatly appreciated the respectful and engaged way your students participated in the presentations and activities.They asked thoughtful questions, and they made connections with their prior learning and with what they heard and experienced today.

They were wonderful representatives of your school community.

It was a pleasure working with them, and with the staff. 


We couldn't be prouder of these students - well done.



The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral this Sunday August 18th at 2:00p.m. All are welcome to attend.


We wish our Year Six families all the best in the years ahead, helping their child to learn to lean on their faith often and to go into the world ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus!


A special thank you to our teachers - Hollie Goad, Shane Thompson and to our parish catechist - Elizabeth Williamson, for all their hard work in preparing the students throughout the year. Another thank you too, for the rest of our dedicated staff who will take time out of their weekend to attend, assist and support the school in this beautiful celebration.


Please continue to keep the children in your prayers as they prepare for this next step in their faith journey.

Upcoming Dates

Sunday 18 August 2:00pm             Year 6 - Confirmation - St Patrick’s Cathedral  

Thursday 31 October 7:00pm       Year 3 - First Reconciliation