Class News

PREP's Recount of 100 Days
On the 5th of August the Preps celebrated their 100th day at school with the theme “100 Days Brighter”. We are so proud of how much they have learnt in the last 100 days. The day was filled with lots of bright colours, fun activities, sweet treats and recognition of this huge achievement.
A huge thank you to all the parents who supported the students and teachers in the celebrations on this day, with amazing costumes, sweet treats and assisting in classroom activities. We could not have done it without you!
The next day we wrote a recount about all the fun we had together at this important celebration. Below are some examples of the students writing.
On Monday we had fun at 100 days. We ate cookies. We had a dance party. (Eleanor)
On Monday we had 100 days. We ate cupcakes. We built a tower. (Ila)
On Monday all the Preps had a party for 100 days. (Leo)
On Monday we had fun on 100 days. We made messy hair by using straws. (Aidan)
On Monday it was 100 days of school. We did crazy hair for art with straws. (Christian)
On Monday we had fun at school. We had a dance party. (Mia)
On Monday it was 100 days of school and we had a party with the preps and we had fun on Monday. (Georgia)
On Monday it was 100 days of Prep with all of the Preps and we had a party. (Siena)
On Monday we had fun with the Preps and we were doing the 100 cup building activity for 100 days. (Kai)
On Monday all of the Preps came for 100 days and had fun. (Sunday)
On Monday we made it to 100 days of school. We had a party. (Andreas)
On Monday we had fun at our 100 days with the Preps. My favourite activity was building a tower out of cups. (Lilian)
Grade 3 and 4's travelled to ScienceWorks last week. Here are some recounts from several students.
Year 3 recounts of Scienceworks
The grade 3’s and 4’s were so happy when they went to Scienceworks last Friday. We went into Sports-works and played soccer, netball, we did some handballing and raced Cathy Freeman.
Isaac Harika 3H
On Friday we went to Scienceworks with the Year 4’s. First, we went into Sportsworks and I got to ride a snowboard. It was fun because the guy on the screen was controlling us so it got wobbly. We also got to race Cathy Freeman; I thought she was going to be fast but she was not that fast. We also pretended to do gymnastics on a beam.
Issy Tighe 3H
On Friday, the Grade three and four’s travelled by a bus to ScienceWorks. When we first got there, we went to Sports-works. I played netball. I love playing netball. It was fun! We also went into Thinking ahead. I learnt about the gravity of planets and designed a house. Next, we went to the Planetarium. The roof was the screen! We learnt about the seasons and how the earth is tilted. When we were about to leave the teachers took us to the fun playground. It was an enjoyable day.
Veronica Kairouz 3H
4P Snapshot of Science Words
I grabbed hold of the first climbing rock and hauled myself up. I climbed up to the top. Too easy. I tried the other rock climbing wall and when I was just about to finish, I fell down. I tried again and made it. I had fun climbing at Science Works. - Malin
We all walked into a room with a circle shaped roof. We laid down on the chairs and looked up at the roof. The show finally started. We watched on to see how all of the seasons work around the world. We all had so much fun in the Planetarium at Science Works. - Isla
I was at the starting line, nervous but very excited. It was my turn next. I took some deep breaths in and out. At last it is my turn. On your mark. Get set. BANG! I sprinted as fast as possible. Huff, huff, puff! I was so relieved it was over. My score was 2.14 seconds. Cathy Freeman's time was 2.00 seconds. I had so much fun. - Mila
The doors opened, we sat down and leaned back. Suddenly the lights faded. We looked up and saw all the planets, also the bright sun and Earth, our home. We learned about how the seasons formed and changed. It was amazing, it was like we were in the universe. The stars were amazing, they lit up the night sky. I loved the Planetarium. - Sophia
Check out the St John's Stem Blog. Can you see your creations there? Mr Cotela, you help us to create so many things. We love STEM!
Click here to view.