Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Elizabeth 5A for always showing resilience and a positive attitude. Well done for leading by example as a House captain. 

Performing Arts - Shashvin 1A for taking pride and showing confidence while contributing to class discussion. Well done for sharing your thoughts about the sounds you heard in a soundscape. Keep up the good work!

Chinese - Najeeb 6B for showing effort to do work! Although Najeeb often says he cannot do it, it turned out he could achieve it as long as he tried. Well done and keep it up!

LLI (Years 1 & 2) - Moni 1B for displaying improved listening skills and focus during LLI reading sessions. You should feel proud of the effort you have been applying since the start of the term. Well done, Moni!


6A - Ana for showing confidence during Year 5 / 6 sport. Well done for putting in so much effort to learn new skills. Keep it up!

6B - Arya for applying herself to all learning areas and for showing resilience to complete them. Keep up the awesome effort!

6C - Sana for attending school all week with a smile and a positive mindset. 6C is a better classroom for having you in it. Keep it up!


5B - Caden for being such a reliable and trustworthy student, who consistently upholds our School Values. He is a positive role-model for his peers, as he sets an excellent example  with his ‘can-do’ attitude. Best wishes for the Australian Maths Competition next week! We’ll be cheering you on, Caden!


4A - Chloe for being such a reliable and trustworthy student, who consistently upholds our School Values. She is a positive role-model for her peers, as she sets an excellent example  with her ‘can-do’ attitude. Best wishes for a successful District Athletics and Australian Maths Competition next week! We’ll be cheering you on, Chloe!

4B - Sarah for showing our school values of Pride and Respect. You have been chosen by your peers for always paying attention during class activities. You are beginning to contribute more to discussions and this is evident in the work you are producing. Keep it up Sarah!

4C - Ava for exemplifying our school values of integrity and resilience. You demonstrated exceptional effort in Maths this week, showcasing great expertise in solving problems involving money and change using efficient strategies. Well done, Ava!


3A - Adelynn for taking pride in her learning and work pieces, especially in Writing. She experimented with dialogue and the different ways it can be shown. You are a super star, Adelynn! Terrific effort!

3B - Beverly for your ‘have a go’ attitude in all areas of your learning. It’s awesome to see you contributing to class discussions and trying your best during independent tasks. Go, Beverly!

3C - Viraj for actively contributing to class discussions, especially in Mathematics. Well done for sharing your thinking and strategies with your peers. Keep up the fantastic work, Viraj!


2C - Edric for his amazing effort in maths this week. He has stayed focused and on task and has done a great job showing his multiplication knowledge using arrays and repeated addition. Keep up the great work, Edric!


1A - Dagmawit for being a real reader during independent reading time. Keep up the great effort Dagmawit! 

1B -  Halima for actively participating in class discussions, showing whole body listening and taking pride in her work. Well done Halima!


FA - Ermuun for consistently demonstrating the value of Pride in his work. Keep up the great work! 

FB - Eesa for demonstrating integrity. Eesa has been making great choices to ensure that he can learn best in the classroom. He has been listening, watching, and sharing during the whole group learning. Keep it up Eesa!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

1A - Dagmawit for being a real reader during independent reading time. Keep up the great effort Dagmawit! 


Upper primary: 

4C - Ava for exemplifying our school values of integrity and resilience. You demonstrated exceptional effort in Maths this week, showcasing great expertise in solving problems involving money and change using efficient strategies. Well done, Ava!