National week of action - Bullying No Way

Between 12th – 16th August 2024 (Term 3, Week 5) Gisborne Secondary College will be running a weeklong focus in line with Bullying No Way – National Week of Action. The theme for 2024 is Everyone Belongs. In school, belonging is like a superpower against bullying. It's what brings us together, makes us stronger, and helps us understand and support each other. 


The mini lesson being delivered in the mentor program this week is about being an ‘upstander’ not a ‘bystander’. In this session students will explore why being an upstander is important and they will be successful when they can name and describe ways, they can be an upstander in everyday life and at school.

Further to the mentor lesson short videos will be made available to all students across the college every day of the week with a daily theme / focus (links to videos at the bottom of this page).


Day 1 Challenging Stereotypes: Focusing on challenging stereotypes and biased beliefs we may not even realise we have.


Day 2 Promote Empathy: Understanding and compassion for others not only strengthen our personal connections with others but also significantly reduces the likelihood of hurtful behaviour in our school community.


Day 3 Embrace Diversity: Embracing diversity isn't just about tolerance; it's about actively embracing the richness that comes from unity in our differences. How can you demonstrate to someone that you value and honour their unique qualities, and what actions can others take to make you feel appreciated and celebrated for who you are?


Day 4 Foster Positive Relationships: Positive relationships go beyond just having a large circle of friends; they're about forming meaningful connections where we feel accepted and appreciated for who we are. It's about being able to rely on each other, share our wins and struggles, and offer genuine support and encouragement.


Day 5 Provide Support: If bullying does happen it’s okay to ask for help. You can talk to a grown-up you trust, like a teacher, counsellor, or someone else at school. In our school, you can tell someone about bullying by speaking with any member of staff like a teacher, year level leader or member of the wellbeing team.


All the above is running in conjunction with the College’s continuing work in implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviours Support (SWPBS) program and is linked to our Colleges’ values of Respect, Achievement, Innovation and Diversity.



Challenge Stereotypes -


Promote empathy -


Embrace diversity -


Positive relationships -


Provide support -