Disability Pride Month

On Friday 26th July a yellow-themed casual clothes day was held, organised by our Diversity Captain Keira W, as an awareness and fundraising initiative for Yellow Ladybugs. This was part of a week-long event that took place in week 2 to celebrate Disability Pride Month. 

“Yellow ladybugs are an Australian charity run by and for autistic girls, women and gender-diverse folks. We want to build a more inclusive world for autistic women, girls and gender diverse folks through exceptional projects, training, events, education and advocacy”.


We know it can be difficult to find change for a gold coin donation for your students to bring into school on casual clothes day, so we trialled collecting donations on XUNO for this event.  

The amount was defaulted to $1 on XUNO and was able to be adjusted so families could donate an amount of their choosing.


We collected over $300 via XUNO donations that we are now able to pass on to Yellow Ladybugs, and we wish to sincerely thank families for their uptake of this donation method and the donations made.  


Many thanks,


Katrina Robertson

Finance Manager