Wear it Purple Day

30th August 2024

  • Wear It Purple is a movement that strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. Wear it Purple day celebrates inclusion and reminds all our diverse young people that they should be proud of the people they are and who they are becoming. It is an international movement of expression, celebration and support.
  • The theme for 2024 is 'Your passion, Your Pride'.
  • On August 29th we will be holding a casual dress day (but please wear something purple!) for a gold coin donation with funds going to the organisation 'Minus 18'.
  • There will be a stall with items for purchase including cupcakes, cookies, badges and wristbands.
  • Other elements of the day will include a photobooth, a variety of brochures and information for students on LGBTQI+ resources, as well as a visual display of photos contributed by students of their passions i.e.: art they have created, sporting or other events and achievements etc.