Principals Update

- Sarah Rose, Principal

As always, Term 3 has kept staff and students incredibly busy, and since the last edition of our newsletter, we've had a number of big events occur at the College.


Our Course Selection Expo and subsequent Course Advising Days have been incredibly successful, with increased numbers of students and families accessing career advice and guidance throughout this process than in previous years. I'd like to start by thanking our amazing staff who put on our subject expo - it was inspiring to hear our teachers speaking with such passion and enthusiasm about the range of subjects we have on offer in our Senior School. Special thanks to Assistant Principal Lauren Anglin and our Careers Advisor Helen Riddell who presented comprehensive and detailed information about the broad range of Senior School programs and pathways available to them. Our Course Advising Sessions were extremely well attended, in which students were able to receive individualised support and guidance on their chosen pathways. Even since these sessions, the Careers Hub has been an absolute hive of activity with students researching and planning their pathways with the support of the careers team. Finally, thank you so much to our families, for your support and engagement in this process, and for the work you do each and every day in guiding and encouraging your children towards their future goals and aspirations.


We are mid-way through our 2024 School Production, The Addams Family, in conjunction with Kyneton High School. I am so incredibly proud of the work that has gone into this production, from both staff and students, and the way in which the two schools have embraced this new collaboration and worked so effectively together. I have yet to see the full show myself, other than a few sneak peeks, and cannot wait until this weekend where I have the pleasure and privilege of seeing not one but two performances. 


Over the last several months, our Community Liaison, Susanne Tzamouranis, has been working on the development of a parent volunteer program, as a way to build further partnerships between the school and families, as well as support our students to get out and about on excursions and sporting events, when staffing may be challenging. We are thrilled to have already seen a number of parents and family members volunteer their time to support various sports teams, and I'd like to say a big thank you to Katie and Emily D, Trinette L and Deb K for your time and energy this term.


In other sporting news, I'm thrilled to announce that our Intermediate Boys Netball Team have made it through to the state finals. This is an outstanding achievement for the team, and the whole school community is behind them as they move forward into this elite level of competition.


I hope you're all having a wonderful term so far and enjoying the sunshine that is giving us a hint that spring is almost on the way!



Kind Regards,


Sarah Rose

College Principal