New Committee elected for 2024-2025 season!

RSCs AGM was held on Monday night in the clubroom. Reports were presented by the President, Treasurer and Head Coach. 


Some accomplishments and highlights from the 2023-2024 season included:

  • A renewed focus on sponsorship, fundraising and marketing
  • Improved Strength & Conditioning program
  • New social media presence to increase RSCs profile
  • Support for the head coach with new staff
  • Successful interstate team trip to Tasmania as well as team trips to Geelong and Leongatha
  • Introduction of school holiday technique clinics and underwater filming sessions
  • and much more!

A big thank you to our outgoing committee members: Marita Weighell (Uniforms), Novita Suhendro (General), Cherie Mountney (Coach Liaison), Cheryl Clack (General), Rebecca Santolin (Social media and sponsorship) and Jorgen Romijn (Vice President), These parents have volunteered their time over the last 12 months to make RSC a great place for our swimmers and their families. We are so grateful for your time and energy!


A big welcome to our new committee for the 2024-2025 season:


President: Brett Poppins

Vice President/Coach Liaison: Sean Young

Treasurer: Jess Wallis

Secretary: Jackie Kapoor

Competitions Officer: Miek Thienpont

Fundraising Officer: Vivian Qu

Marketing/Sponsorship Officer: Nicole O'Toole

Uniforms Officer: Selina Tu

Admin Officer: Lesley Strong